Content of Home Information Pack
The Home Information Pack Regulations 2006 set out provisions on the “required” and “authorised” content of the Pack. Required documents must be included in the pack where appropriate and authorised documents may be included at the seller’s discretion.
The required documents are:
  An index (i.e. a list of the contents of the Pack)
  A sale statement (summarising terms of sale)
  Evidence of title
  Standard searches (i.e. local authority enquiries and a drainage and water search)
  An Energy Performance Certificate

  Where appropriate, commonhold information (including a copy of the commonhold community statement)
  Where appropriate, leasehold information (including a copy of the lease, information on service charges and insurance)
  Where appropriate, a New Homes Warranty
  Where appropriate, a report on a home that is not physically complete
  A Home Condition Report*
  The authorised documents include:
  Guarantees and warranties
  Other searches.
* The Regulations will be amended so that as from 1 June 2007 the Home Condition Report will be an authorised part of the Pack.
An authorised document means that sellers can use them to top up their Packs voluntarily to include additional material where they judge that to be of interest to prospective buyers. Although the Government has indicated it will make Home Condition Reports voluntary as from 1 June 2007, it strongly believes that these are likely to prove valuable to both sellers and buyers, and is working with the industry to ensure that there is active take up.